Publications and Work-in-Progress
Do Professionals Get It Right? Limited Attention and Risk-Taking Behaviour, The Economic Journal (2016), Vol. 126 (592), 724-755 [pdf]
with Reto Föllmi and Lukas Schmid
Media Briefing by the Royal Economic Society and coverage by the LSE Business Review [Link]
Presented at: RES 2015, ESEM 2014, St.Gallen 2014
Media Attention and Betting Markets, European Economic Review (2016), Vol. 87, 304-333 [pdf]
with Lukas Schmid
Media coverage by: Handelszeitung
Presented at: Princeton 2015, IEA 2014, RGS 2014, NBER Summer Institute 2013, EEA 2013, WIEM 2013, SMYE 2013, Zurich 2012, St.Gallen 2012
Dyadic Value Distance: Determinants and Consequences, Economics Letters (2018), Vol. 165, 48-53 [pdf]
with Adrian Jäggi and Lukas Schmid
Data set on Dyadic Value Distance available by email
Swiss Trade During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Early Appraisal, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (2020), Vol. 156 (22) [pdf]
with Konstantin Büchel, Vincent Pochon, and Philipp Wegmüller
Innovation and Trade in the Presence of Credit Constraints, Canadian Journal of Economics (2021), Vol. 54 (3) [pdf]
with Reto Föllmi and Alexa Tiemann
Presented at: Midwest Trade Conference 2014, ETSG 2014, EEA 2014, SMYE 2014, St.Gallen 2014, SSES 2014, CEPR/SNF Conference 2014, WIEM 2014, AEL 2013, Harvard 2013, Sinergia Workshop 2012
Thucydides’ Trap in the Business World, International Journal of Business Strategy (2021), Vol. 21 (1) [pdf]
with Tomas Casas
Presented at: IABE San Francisco 2021
Ancestry and International Trade, Journal of Comparative Economics (2022), Vol. 50 (1) [pdf]
with Irene Fensore and Lukas Schmid
Media coverage: Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Presented at: Zurich 2015, St.Gallen 2016, NHH 2016, ETSG 2016, U Colorado at Boulder 2016, SAE 2016, SSES 2017, EGIT ifo Institut 2017, Lindau Nobael Laureates Meeting 2017, Stanford 2017
Health Economic Consequences of Delayed Melanoma Diagnosis due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe, JAMA Network Open (2024) [pdf]
with Lara V. Maul, Dagmar Jamiolkowski, Elisabeth Roider, et al.
Media coverage by The Guardian, Telegraph, Yahoo, Heraldo
The Cost of Utilizing Free Trade Agreements, International Economics (2024) [pdf]
with Piotr Lukaszuk
Presented at: SSES 2019
Working in Progress:
Do Free Trade Agreements Create Trade?
with Ronny Oberholzer, Jason Rosenthal, and Lukas Schmid
Presented at (incl. earlier version): Konstanz 2018, Zurich 2018, St.Gallen 2019, SSES 2019
Retired Discussion Papers:
Government Size and Economic Growth: The Role of Country Diversity
Presented at: Midwest Macro Meeting 2015
SSRN, October 2022 [pdf]
Trading Off Welfare and Immigration in Europe
with Ole-Petter Moe Hansen
Discussion Paper, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), No. 22/2015 [pdf]
Media coverage by: Finansavisen, Klassekampen
Presented at: NHH-UiO in Oslo 2015, NHH-UiB 2015, NPSA 2015, SEA 2015, EWMES 2015, RES 2016, CESifo 2016
Drawbridges Down: Altruism and Immigration Preferences
with Ole-Petter Moe Hansen
CESifo Working Paper No. 6204, November 2016 [pdf]
Quantifying Determinants of Immigration Preferences
with Ole-Petter Moe Hansen
University of St.Gallen Discussion Paper No. 2017-10 [pdf]
Innovation in an Aging Population
Presented at: Warwick 2013, St.Gallen 2016, EEA 2016, Luxembourg 2016